Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tot School - A is for Apple

(Mouse is 34mths old)

Letter Aa for Apple

We used printouts from 1+1+1=1 and Homeschool Creations.

After a demo with me holding his hand, Mouse caught on very fast. He was able to trace the letters on his own and with the right strokes for little A. Big A still needs some work but he's improving every day.

Tracing big and little Aa

More A tracing, plus learning the different names of the A items on the sheet below - Ant, Alligator and Astronaut. Not sure where he learnt it, but he knows what I mean by "circle the ___" and does it correctly!

Circling the A objects 

Next up is the Letter Aa cut and paste activity, but I'm still not comfortable with letting him use scissors and glue yet, so we just pointed out each object (with real life examples wherever possible). He's wearing a child's apron which belongs to his eldest sister and pointing at the apron on the paper.
Letter A objects
Shape reinforcement - new shapes are Crescent, Hexagon and re-learning "love-love" as "Heart shape".

Circle the shapes!
Fruit vocabulary development as shared by 1+1+1=1 - learning the English names of different fruits (he has mostly learnt fruit names in Mandarin so far).

Learn and circle the Fruits
I managed to find some 3D fruits (some real and the rest toys) from around the house to reinforce the names of the different fruits. To my surprise, some fruits which he simply couldn't remember before (eg. kiwi) were instantly named after the objects arrived!

3D fruits always make a better impression
Can't neglect Mother Tongue education d:) Here is an apple jigsaw which he played with last time, and now I've brought it out again.

Apple jigsaw


Although he can recite 1 to 10, he doesn't really understand the concept of counting. So thanks to 1+1+1=1, here are some counting cards.

Learning the concept of counting
We repeated the counting the next day with dominoes and transparent jelly cups, and I think he's starting to get it this time d:)

Other Learning Activities

Playdough Time! He has never touched playdough before, and really liked it. He can sing the PlayDoh jingle very well. This tool below was his favourite this time.

Rolling the cutter on play dough

And for the grand finale - sensory tub time! I added red beans, rice and marbles, plus some animal friends. Like a child who can't believe his eyes when he receives a much-coveted gift, Mouse stared at the tub for many seconds before he dug in!

Rice and beans sensory tub
During the play, I talked to him about sizes (marbles are big, beans are medium and rice is small) and keeping the mess in the tray as far as possible. At one point he threw a little fit of temper, to which I promptly picked the tray up and said he wouldn't have any more till he apologised and helped return the dropped items back to the tray. He complied d:)

He understands now that each tray goes back to its original position in his workshelf before he takes the next one, and with a gentle reminder from me, is able to carry that out. Yay!

We will be doing Letter Bb next week.

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