Friday, August 23, 2013

Tot School - Letter Cc

(Mouse is 35mths old)

Letter Cc for Cat

We began with a sensory bin for C. I asked my older kids to go around the house and help me to find things that begin with the letter C. However, we took care to leave out words like "chicken" and "chair" and just stick to words that begin with the "K" sound.

He loves wearing his brother's "cap".
We used the Cc for Cat printables from 1+1+1=1 and Haffly Homeschool.

Here is our school corner set up for Letter Cc, with the Cc flashcards in the wall chart.

He left the snap cubes (top left pigeonhole) alone the whole week, so I took them out for some patterning. Perhaps it was because his older brother joined in, that he finally joined us in playing with the cubes. He also proved that he can understand and repeat simple patterns like Red, Green, Red, Green. Yes! I am so proud of this boy! It's been some time since I last did patterning with him, and at that time he still could not grasp the concept.

We had some Twister fun with the boys.

Although I have already done my research for Letter Dd, I will have many Parent Volunteer duties in school the next week, so we'll take one week's break. Besides, I am having rather a hard time deciding on D for Dog, Duck or Dinosaur.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tot School - Letter Bb

(Mouse is 35mths old.)

Letter Bb for Ball

We used printouts from 1+1+1=1 and Homeschool Creations, and flashcards from Kidz Club.

We did a sensory bin for B and talked about the B flashcards. He like putting the cards up in our wall chart.

We brought out our ball tub and collected almost all the balls from around the house.

Then we did the Bb for Ball printouts from 1+1+1=1. His control of the marker has improved markedly this week, although he still grips it like a stick.

Tracing the lines
Just scribbling and having fun

 And colouring the balls. He loved this so much I had to print another set.

He was willing to do the lacing of the ball this week (with prompting and help from me).

And the ball puzzle. Taking a tip from Carisa of 1+1+1=1, I focused on teaching him "top", "middle" and "bottom".

We used playdough mats from Homeschool Creations to practise rolling dough. This boy adores working with playdough.

We worked with counting again. He's got the idea now, although he still prefers to just dump a whole handful into the cups.

In free play with the marbles, I taught him to shake and roll them around under the cup. He liked that since it made a loud sound.

He transferred pompoms to an ice cube tray.

And used them to make "Ickey Mouse" (lol at the way he pronounces Mickey Mouse).

I introduced him to using a pair of scissors but he wasn't comfy with it so I did most of the cutting while he did the pasting. Here's all our work on the wall chart.

Next week we do C.