Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tot School - Letter Ii

Mouse is 37mths old.

Letter Ii activities

Here is his Tot Tray corner on the first day.

Letter Ii setup
Letter Ii poking page from COAH and we also used the Letter Ii tracing page in prewriting practice.

Do A Dot practice from COAH again. We used a round stamp and inkpad because I still can't find an economical option to purchase Do A Dot markers from the US. I haven't found these in Singapore yet.

Stamping is always fun for Mouse!

Pattern blocks practice with activity card also from COAH.

Prewriting practice is from the Ice Cream Pack from 2TeachingMommies.

Prewriting practice for Ii

Included in the pack are clip cards for counting Ice Cream. We used some small wooden clothespegs from Daiso. His grip is improving and he's now able to open them by himself, although his fingers got rather tired by the 8th card and he needed help with the last few.

Ice cream counting on clip cards
Cutting practice with scissors. We cut up the ice cream pieces to use as pattern making cards.

Here are the pattern cards in action.

And of course, we couldn't miss out the Ice Cream colouring.

Blue icecream, yummy flavour?
I is for Ice Cream Do A Dot practice with pompom magnets.

Letter Ii maze from 1+1+1=1. This is the first time we are using transparent counters to mark the route. Erm, he put two counters on the wrong letters on purpose, for fun d:)

Cotton buds painting practice from 1+1+1=1 but he preferred to paint straight lines (as if he were writing) rather then do dotting with the cotton bud.

Matching upper and lowercase letters on the pocket chart. Printouts from 1+1+1=1, I printed two pages per sheet so they would be smaller and to save ink.

I made my own activity card for bottle cap matching practice because I couldn't find any for Ice Cream on the web.

Bottle cap matching for Ice Cream
Non Letter Ii activities

Sticking straws into the large holes of a parsley flakes bottle.

Hanging out with some animal puzzle friends.

Threading beads onto pipe cleaners.

Building blocks activity - I printed out these cards but can't remember which site I got them from! Basically they are structures built from building blocks for the child to copy. At first, he placed the blocks on the picture, but I demonstrated and pointed out block by block so he understood after a bit.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tot School - Letter Hh

Mouse is 3 years old.

Letter Hh activities

Books for Hh week.

Hh is for Hippo activities from 1+1+1=1.

Bottle cap letter matching practice from COAH.

Hippo size sequencing from COAH, after which he brought all the hippos to the waterhole to drink and eat d:)

Playdough time! Uppercase and lowercase Hhs from COAH.

We used our wooden H block as a stamp and made H cookies.

Hh is for Heart prewriting practice from 3Dinosaurs.

Matching hearts and uppercase-lowercase Hhs.

Roll and Graph Hearts. I added a little bell inside the die for some extra fun.

I wrote big and little Hs on round stickers for him to stick on the Hhs on the heart in one of the worksheets from the Heart pack. Great way to combine sticker practice as well as uppercase-lowercase recognition. I saw this idea on a homeschooling website long ago but can't remember what the site was.

Hh is for hammer stamping activity from 1+1+1=1. After placing pompom magnets on all the stars, he told me he wanted to "chopchop", so we did.

Together, we built a house out of wooden blocks for the blue car.

This activity was succeeded by his automatic sorting habit once the Sorting Box was out.

Sorting wooden blocks by colour in Sorting Box

Non Hh activities

Pattern block practice, printable from COAH.

We went to Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb exhibition on Thursday so there was no Tot School that day, but I decided to get some schooling done in the car (kiasu Singapore mother). We brought along our magnetic cookie sheet, some number cards and magnetic pompoms and 12yo Takoyaki (who was in the back seat) helped with instructing him on what to do - count and place the correct number of pompoms on each card. My job in the front seat was just to take photos d:)

The next day, I was about to keep the number cards but he suddenly decided he wanted to play with them. So I encouraged him to line them up in ascending order on the table.

He then proceeded to place number blocks on the cards.

More Bottle Cap matching - Takoyaki helped me to make these spelling cards. There's also one with his photo and name but I won't be posting that up.

More stuff to do with Bottle Cap letters - UC-LC matching (on a felt board so the caps and letter disks which are not stuck on caps yet, don't slide around so much).

Just to fill up the gap, I brought out an old file folder game - Paint Brush colour sorting.

He browsed around his learning toys and pulled out the whole box of fruit puzzles. This was the first time his attention span was long enough to complete all the puzzles (with minimal help from me).

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tot School - Letter Gg

Mouse is 37mths old.

Letter Gg activities

We focused mainly on Gg for Gorilla, with most printables from 1+1+1=1. We covered the G cut and paste activity, Gg Do A Dot (with IKEA stamp pen), and also did a "journal entry" which is on the top right corner of the pocket chart.

Letter G forming (from COAH) with snap cubes. Under this page are some prewriting pages from 1+1+1=1 Gorilla.

Gorilla colouring from 1+1+1=1, then he wanted to match the snap cubes onto the gorillas by colour. Our snap cube set does not have any pink ones, sadly.

Letter G maze from 1+1+1=1, using pompom magnets on a cookie sheet.

G is for Grapes, so here's a grape jigsaw from our fruit puzzle set. We also reinforced the pronunciation of grapes in Mandarin 葡萄 pu2 tao2.

Non-Letter Gg activities
I found a set of magnetic numbers at Daiso a couple days ago (yahoo!) so he's having fun matching them onto the Gorilla number printable from 1+1+1=1.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tot School - Letter Ff

Mouse is 3 years old.

Letter Ff activities

We sang Old Macdonald Had A Farm and taught him Farmer In The Dell.

Dot Paint sheet from COAH, but we are using a round stamp and inkpad instead. (Boy would I love to get my hands on a set of Do A Dot markers!)

I found a lot of Farm Tot/Preschool packs from CreativePreschoolResources as well as 3Dinosaurs (they are using the same graphics) so I picked what I felt was suitable for Mouse and left the rest for when he is older. Here he is putting up his coloured barns on the pocket chart.

Takoyaki and Roast Meat were tasked by me to help Mouse build a farm out of Duplo bricks, Playmobil figures and whatever else they could think of. The fence was my contribution - it's an adjustable drawer divider from Daiso that was keeping my ladles from meeting my can opener and graters d:)

More farm role playing - I recently acquired this paper cardboard box which is made out of different sized smaller boxes, and I showed him that we could stack them up to create a kind of dolls' farmhouse. Here he is placing the various figures and animals into the different rooms of the farmhouse. You'll find many animals that do NOT belong on a farm, haha!

Non-Farm activities

Strangely, the moment he saw the different compartments, he immediately started to sort our marble collection into it. We have christened it our Sorting Box d:)

Sorting marbles into the Sorting Box
Playing at cooking and making bentos.

Stacking fruits and veggies.

Threading alphabet beads to make a bracelet. This activity was too difficult for his little hands as the beads were stiff and had holes all over so he wasn't sure which hole to push the bracelet through. We'll try again when he's a little older and is more dexterous.