Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Special Agent Oso Tot Book

After making the Thomas & Friends Tot Book for Mouse, I realised that he would really appreciate one on Special Agent Oso. This kid can watch for hours if I let him (which I don't), and he knows practically all the different episodes and the lines of every character. But search as I might, I couldn't find any Tot-oriented printouts along the lines of a Tot Book for SPO. So this doting Mum decided to make it herself. 

Now I am actually quite a failure at this kind of stuff, because although most people are superb these days at doing so many things on the computer, I suck at creating things. Thankfully, I have a neighbour who is awesome in her knowledge of several different software, and she is always generous and ready to share that Powerpoint would probably serve me the best. And of course, my 12yo helped me loads by giving me a very basic tutorial on using the OpenOffice Presentation in my Macbook (I don't have MS Office and have been using OpenOffice for all my office needs).


Front Cover of Oso Tot Book

Inside Oso Tot Book
Back Cover of Oso Tot Book
He loves it!

I'm still trying to figure out how to upload the PDF for this Tot Book to share (as I mentioned above, I'm not too savvy at this kinda things), but in the meantime, if you want to make this book for your tot, please leave a comment.

Update 18 Aug 2013: Download my Oso Tot Book here. Please feel free to print as many copies as you want but do not host the file anywhere else. If you want to link to it, please link back to my post here.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Thomas & Friends Tot Book

Many thanks to Carisa of 1+1+1=1 for the wonderful work she has put into making so many lovely and USEFUL Tot Books and Tot Packs for her children, AND for sharing on the web with us. I've finally finished making this Thomas & Friends Tot Book for our Mouse (the 2.5yo).

Front cover of Thomas Tot Book
 The Tot Book provided by Carisa does not include anything for the front cover, which is cool, because then I could get my own image, print it out and stick it on.

Inside of Thomas Tot Book

This is my first Tot Book (although I've made lapbooks for the older kids before) so I just printed everything wholesale, which works fine for the Mouse.

Back of Thomas Tot Book
I wanted to put his name on the book (so his older siblings couldn't claim it for themselves, lol!) so I did this on OpenOffice Documents together with Takoyaki. Simple.

Tot Books & Packs