Saturday, April 27, 2013

Learning about Spatial Order

An impromptu lesson because I was using my computer and he brought in his tub of building blocks and began. I thought, hey, maybe I can build together with him and teach him at the same time.

We have repeats for most of our blocks, so I picked out a set of two similar pieces and told him there would be one that's mine and another that's his. I put my block down on one side and his in front of him. Then I picked out another two similar blocks and placed one next to my first piece, then his copy in the exact same position at his side.

Initially, he wanted to just do his own thing with the blocks, but after I repeated the steps a few times, he got the idea and began to copy my actions. We also exchanged roles frequently, with my asking him to place HIS piece first before I followed suit for "my house".

We didn't build vertically this time but built horizontally with the blocks "lying on their side" so to speak. This would teach him that there is more than one way to build with blocks, and with the blocks lying horizontal, they wouldn't fall so easily (since some balance is needed for building upwards). And we can see the whole picture better.

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