Monday, December 10, 2012

How To Make a Felt Board

Update 26 Dec 2012: Today, we discovered that the black felt can slip out rather easily, so I took the board apart and glued the felt down onto the plastic with PVA glue.

This craft project for the little one was turned into a Christmas gift from his Ga-jeh and Gorgor. It was easy enough for one or the other of them to do each step, with a little adjusting done by Mum along the way. Instructions are from Totally Tots, a homeschooling website dedicated entirely to tots.

First, we placed a 40X50cm picture frame we got long ago from IKEA (for another project which was cancelled) and removed the cardboard backing and plastic sheet from the frame. We went to Daiso and after some discussion, decided on a large piece of black felt as the background for the board. Ray traced around the cardboard with tailor's chalk, cut the felt out and I trimmed it a little.

Top: pic frame, bottom: felt cut to 40X50cm

Second, we replaced the cardboard and plastic sheet back into the frame with the black felt on the topmost layer, and the board was done.

Felt board complete
 Then came the fun part (for the kids). We have a few packs of small felt squares from Daiso and they set to work with scissors and pinking shears, cutting out lots of shapes to form pictures. I had to keep reminding them to cut the shapes bigger for little hands.

Felt pieces all cut and stuffed into a ziploc
Here's an example of how the pieces of felt can be arranged on the board.

Simple scene on felt board
It's all wrapped up with newspaper and placed under the Christmas tree. Made with love by Ga-jeh and Gorgor.

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